The area of our concession for exploration and mining are located in the Moyamba District and specifically in three (3) chiefdoms

  • Bagruwa
  • Kongbora
  • Kaiyamba

We have main Offices at the following addresses in capital city of Sierra Leone (Freetown):

47 Bath Street, Brookfields.
21 Goderich Street, (top floor)
14 Pademba Road

Our present offices in the Moyamba District are:

Bauya Town – Old Railway Compound & Properties (for the Kongbora Chiefdom)

Moyamba Town – Old SLPMB Properties (for the Kaiyamba Chiefdom)

Get in touch with us today!

+232 7660 3429

Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 18:00 l Sat: 10:00 – 13:00